Well, I finally got to run the propane Coleman stove through its paces this weekend - two-night trip with five adults/nine kids. I made sausage gravy and biscuits for breakfast on Sunday morning - that was the only time I broke out the stove, and while I was getting the biscuits ready in the dutch oven, someone else cooked four pounds of bacon on the stove and heated water for coffee and hot chocolate.

Then when the biscuits were well on their way, I took over and got two skillets going - one to cook sausage, one to make the roux and then consolidate/serve while the next portion of sausage cooked. It worked really well, although I kept stirring sausage and gravy over the lip of the skillets and by the end of the breakfast run, the stove was almost as filthy as when I bought it.

The good thing was that since I tore it down and rehabbed it, I know how to take it apart and reassemble it, so I could get all the nasty grease and sausage bits out of all the nooks and crannies.

A very well-spent $11.
