Yep, that's what happens when you focus on regulating the tools instead of aggressively correcting the bad behavior. My wife works for a school district, now she can't carry half the stuff I think she should have with her.

As far as I'm concerned, it started with the anti-gun crowd, but it continues to grow out of control in all kinds of areas... schools and airplanes are the two most obvious cases.

Its amazing how every kid had a pocket knife in the '50's and virtually every home had a hunting rifle... yet people didn't go around trying to kill each other. So what happened? I don't know, but I don't think the tools have anything to do with the core problem! But nobody wants to address that, they just want to find some quick fix and then say we're all better off... until the next tragedy occurs and they figure out what they should ban next. Who knows what are they will do when the kids start hitting each other over the head with rocks?