Hi Russ,

Then again, Am_Fear_Liath_Mor is a Brit IIRC and they may still be using an uncoded/unserialized system.

Perhaps I should have added that I would not use such a device because firstly there are no traffic lights on the bugout route where I live and secondly if there were any, I know that it would cause problems on other parts of the road transport network (especially for the emergency services).

why do you think your life is more valuable than everyone else's

Some lives are deemed to be more important than others. This is a view which is especially prevalent by those who create and enforce the rules. This is a sad but true fact of life. You won't see the President of the United States of America, the British Prime Minister or the Queen of England bugging out on a bicycle. (well not in any of the Hollywood disaster movies I've ever seen). Would you pose the same question to these folks if you are stuck in a traffic jam in an emergency and the motorcade rolls by?

BTW I whole heartedly agree with the sentiment that everyones life should be regarded equally. The reality I'm afraid is somewhat different, as indicated by the New York lawyer story and by the situation during Katrina debacle.

It can sometimes be a fine line preserving our own necks without impacting on the ability for others to survive. Sometimes we can even help others. But when push comes to shove it best not to be in a middle of the crowd. New York Lawyers aren't dumb. Thats why they get paid so much for what they do. frown

Perhaps the phrase 'Better Judged by Twelve Than Carried by Six' summed up their mindset. The reality at the end of the day was that they weren't even put in the dock.
