So I stumbled across something this morning which reminded me of the extra features of the SPOT. Namely the ability for people to find you in real time by logging in to a web page.
www.blackberrytracker.comIt's basically the same thing but for Blackberry devices which have a built in GPS. It seems to be free (demo with no apparent limits). I'm trying it out just for fun because it has an associated Facebook application so your friends can check out your location just like the SPOT service. The only difference is that you need a Blackberry with GPS, a data plan, and you need to be on a cell network. Not as useful for back country stuff but the theory is the same and could provide some peace of mind or some fun to loved ones if you were on a trip that didn't take you too far from civilization.
I believe it has integration with Google Maps as well.
It also has the ability to let you track any of your friends who also use the service and be notified by email if your phone (or your friends) moves outside/inside a certain geographical perimeter.
I know it sounds very 'Big Brother' but you can't hide the app and the user has full control to turn it on or off at will...or just stop the application. I'm going to test it out with my wife and I as we both have new model BB Pearls with GPS.
If only somebody made a GPS application for these damn things that would work without access to a cellular network. Even the Garmin software at $99 requires a data connection and gives you little more service than Google Maps.