No Sock, I think you're missing my point. Courtroom matters are another issue. I addressed those too - briefly.

The point is, know what a firearm is designed for and what it can do. Don't mix its purpose and deadly potential with flowery praise and dreamy, whimsical politi-speech. Don't assume that it will kill everything its projectile hits, but do assume that it is designed to do precisely that. Worrying about the lawyers is something we shouldn;t do IF we know what is right, just, and legal. I know, I deal daily with them and their graspings.

Many policeman have been killed, it is theorized, by the fear of the courtroom and liability consequences. It causes doubt and hesitation. When deadly force is required, it is authorized. When it is authorized, death is expected - hence the term "deadly force". Dress it up as we may, the cold hard truth remains.

If I may be so bold: The truth is not dependant on belief.

Edited by Stretch (07/26/08 04:05 PM)