Thanks everybody. This is my commuter zoom-zoom little car, so it has never been off the pavement and would only be taken there in an emergency. It's only a year old, which is why I have so little in the tools/fix-it area.

Tyvek coveralls are a great idea.
I've already added more water.
Esbit stove added, with tea and bouillon.
Wool blanket added.
Fix-it-Flat and a pipe for leverage are also on the list.
I forgot to mention that I already have a window breaker/belt cutter within reach of the driver's seat.
JB weld added. Wire, I wouldn't know what to do with. The hose clamps are hard to see, but they are in my little kit already.
I also will add a pre-paid phone card, some quarters and cash.

Raspy, that is a very complete kit, but I just can't fit it all. I'm going to stick with my current plan of leaving the BOB at home, and keeping only the bare minimum in my little car. I am within an easy (five-hour) walk of home when I am at work.

Thanks again for the well thought out responses.
