Wildman800 will key his microphone on Ch 13 to insure that the "Danger Signal" is transmitted on the radio, thus being recorded by the USCG!!!!
By the way, and off topic, The company that just had their barge cut in half at New Orleans with a "Steersman" in command (left the UNLICENSED Captain on the shore) that resulted in 9000 barrels of Heavy Fuel Oil (#6),,,,,
Was also the same company that was towing a barge downstream through New Orleans, 2-3 weeks ago, and while overtaking another vessel, found too much water coming over the bow, so the "steersman" cut back his throttle and the barge ran over and sank the towboat. Again, No licensed Captain was onboard, just the Steersman!!!!!
I wonder how much longer the USCG will wait until they make towboats INSPECTED VESSELS???
The best luck is what you make yourself!