True Russ, you don't want to give to much away, but you also want to present the right posture, that of a determined defense. A commanding voice and the racking of a slide is a tremendous deterrent.
dweste in the beginning of the post wanted info on a handgun for home defense, which most of us agree is not the best option. A 12ga is by far the wiser choice. But assuming that dweste has not had any physical or mental training in home defense or CQB, then calling 911 and telling the burglar that they need to leave is not out of the box of normal.
The reality is victims of home break ins, (aside from most people who read these forums), will be scared out of their minds if they hear a break in of their house and not going to lie in ambush quietly waiting for someone to come into their sight alignment to blast them away. I think most of us would prefer to walk in the room, say Hasta la vista and pull the trigger.
But the normal civilian is most likely going to unconsciously turn on a light, make a noise walking across a room or arguing with their family that someone is in the house, grab their defense weapon, rack that slide back hard or pump that foregrip with authority and defend their home.
Burglars will know rather quickly if someone is home or not, telling them you're armed is one more defense measure. Burglars are usually but not always looking for easy opportunities, not confrontation.
If were talking a rapist or abductor caught in the act...well I think we all know we'd shot first, comment second.
Off subject but, to validate I think what Russ is saying is true, Joe Horn thankfully wasn't charged for defending his neighbors house.
Don't just survive. Thrive.