I will never forget opening day 1976 summer season at Garibaldi Lifeboat Station, Tillamook Bay Oregon.I was almost T-boned by a camper on the PCH pulling out of base for the boat shed.We had to call a tow truck to remove 4 cars illegaly parked in our reserved spaces. Then I found some tourists had slipped in from a Boston Whaler and were onboard the boats themselvesstealing Icarus flares. We arrested them for trespass and burglary and called the sheriff. I was about to cast off when a speedboat roared past us, hit the beach and became briefly airborne. He crashed into a logs from the great Tillamook Burn and was killed instantly. After we called the sheriff and coroner I started walking back to the shed. This guy was backing down the loading ramp with a trailered boat behind a airstream behind a camper truck. He hit the gas instead of the brake and all three units went into the water. He's screaming he's drowning. I walk over, open the door, unhook his safety belt and walk him to shore.We let him call a Tow Truck. I was finally getting underway, raising the radar mast and pulling in fenders when the tower reported a capsizing near the bar. I hit the strobe light and siren. Some guy in a handmade italian rowing shell crossed my bow, yelling " human powered vessels have right of w...." I neatly cut 3' off his bow and put him in the water swearing at me. We dodged at least 8 other vessels that didn't have a clue.We got an update from the tower stating everybody had been picked up by a commercial fishing boat, but their boat was now a hazard to navigation and we had to tow it in. Tower estimated the Bar @ 14' and looking 'just plain mean.' Everybody climbed into wet suits, helmets, MK 1 life preservers. I ordered my crew into our safety harness. My deckie was brand new and looked a little apprehensive as we began our run to pop over. I told him to relax, this was the easy part of opening day.I don't know if the bush is inert, or if the ocean wants to kill coastie rescue swimmers. I do know, you have to get to it first, and that can truly be a effort to survive.

Edited by Chris Kavanaugh (07/24/08 10:51 PM)