To quote the great Canadian naturalist/writer Grey Owl:

"In the fastness of this rapidly fading frontier, the last on this continent, reigns the Spirit of the North Land. Enthroned behind the distant mountains with the cohorts and legions of his last grand army massed about him, he sallies forth, brooding over the length and breadth of the land, seeking whom he may destroy, ever devising new means for the elimination of the invaders of his chosen realm. His is not the shock of honest battle in the open, but by devious ways and subtle methods he obtains is ends. Securely entrenched behind the bristling ramparts of the forest, with all the unleashed forces of the primeval at his command, he primes his deadly weapons, and spreads his entanglements, his obstacles, and his snares; nor are they always vainly set.

Through them the invader must pick his way with the delicacy and assurance of one who walks barefoot amoungst naked knives. Some of his weapons are merely annoyances, irritating but bearable; other are harassing to the point of obsession, wearing out the body and mind, and lessening the resisting power of a man; others, yet, bring swift death, or the long slow agonies of those who would die but cannot."
Grey Owl in The Men of the Last Frontier

It seems to me that if nature were inert there would be much less of a need for this website.

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