Originally Posted By: Stokie
Doth mine eyes deceive me or do I detect a Bear fan?

Yes & no.

Yes: because I think that he is exactly what he claims to be. The so-called allegations against him smack of a deliberate attempt, by an individual who committed what amounts to deliberate gross disloyalty, to smear him and destroy his credibility. I also think that he comes a lot closer to the spirit and intent of this site than Les Stroud does. Although I notice from another post on this forum that Les is starting to change his tune about how much gear you need.

No: because his style comes across as being a bit O.T.T. for some people. Exaggeration for emphasis not withstanding that is.

I also think that some members of this forum are being two faced about various matters.


It's quite acceptable for Ray Mears to market the Woodlore knife on his website but it's not acceptable for Bear to develop his own knife and market it. Why is that?

It's quite acceptable for Ray Mears and Les Stroud to write and market books. but it's not acceptable for Bear to do that. Why is that?

It's quite acceptable for Ray Mears and Les Stroud to support themselves off their effort's and to trade on their names. but it's not acceptable for Bear to do that. Again, why is that?

In other words, gentlemen, if your going to insist on "purity" have the grace to apply it across the board.
I don't do dumb & helpless.