#14080 - 03/20/03 05:47 AM
Re: *NEW* French Survival Knife
old hand
Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 384
Loc: USA
#14081 - 03/20/03 07:52 AM
Re: *NEW* French Survival Knife
please don't bring your politics here, there's plenty of places on the net to talk about this. If I was to introduce some of the jokes we've got in the UK about why Bush is trading lives for oil I could cause a riot, but I won't.
#14082 - 03/20/03 10:52 AM
Re: *NEW* French Survival Knife
old hand
Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 384
Loc: USA
Lighten up!
Enjoy a good laugh when it is presented. The issue of survival is grave enough by itself, especially in a period of terrorists' threats which they have shown they are earnest about carrying out. Occasional levity makes life a lot more pleasant. Humor to some extent, and laughter per se are not political. I laughed at the " *NEW* French Survival Knife" because it is hilarious. I commend it and those who proffered it for the same reason. Although the French government has acted inimically to the U.S., I do not hate France. But if it appears ludicrous, I'm not going to suppress a hearty laugh either. My wife is of one-fourth (1/4) French extraction. She laughed as hard as I did.
Just because the humor does not comport with your own personal view of the world, that does not mean that the rest of the world should not enjoy it.
This is at least the fourth time in the last three months when the voices of intolerance have tried to censor a discussion or theme because they deemed it offensive to their taste or politically incorrect. Censorship consists of suppressing or hiding from the public view something that the censor does not like or does not wish to be considered. This is a survival forum. We need to consider all sides of issues where our survival may be at stake. To ignore inconvenient or unattractive matters due to bias or prejudice is not only foolhardy but it's also the very antithesis of realistic survival planning and behavior.
I also notice that while you claim to decry the introduction of politics into this forum, you do that in the process of slipping in your own anti-American canard. Apophasis is the old debate technique of emphatically arguing a point while denying that you would ever mention it. It's a little too sly and sophistic for me.
Incidentally, PRESIDENT "Bush", and the U.S. Congress which supports him are carrying out their Constitutional mandated duties to protect and defend the United States from terrorists who have or would attack us and those who support terrorists. The USA owes a debt of gratitude to Britain for the assistance of the British military, and the unflagging support of Prime Minister Blair and three-fourths (3/4) of Parliament. While this last paragraph may seem to verge on the political, it is also too self-evidently true to be contentious.
Time to get off my soap box.
P.S. If you want to discuss this further, send me a PM so we don't use up Doug's forum space.
#14083 - 03/20/03 03:33 PM
Re: *NEW* French Survival Knife
Folks, This is the "around the campfire" portion of this forum where we should be able to share jokes, stories, anectedotes and opinions not necessarrily tightly confined to survival equipment, usage, packaging and skills. This is the place for us to get to know each other a bit better and relax and have a cup of your favorite beverage here and chat about life the universe and everything. In such a place it is not unlikely that we will find ourselves in disagreement more strongly than in a discussion of which knife is better. (though that also evokes strong emotion on most of us). If you disagree feel free to say so. If you are offended, feel free to say so. If you want the freedom to speak yourself, please don't try to stifle your fellows! There is a watchful authority on this forum who will and has quieted topics that have become disruptive. Unless your profile is ADMINISTRATOR please don't try to play the role.
#14084 - 03/20/03 04:24 PM
Re: *NEW* French Survival Knife
It should also be pointed out that the U.S., esp. the military, has a long histiry of picking on the lack of resolve of the French military that predates the current political situation. It's (mostly) lighthearted ribbing akin to what goes on between all the armed forces.... Marines pick on Navy until the Army comes around...then it's Marines & Navy vs. Army etc. Of course, no one picks on the Air Force because they really do start crying. <img src="images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" /> Ed
#14085 - 03/20/03 05:14 PM
Re: *NEW* French Survival Knife
justin, please share the anti bush jokes, i could do with a good giggle that's not directed at the french for a change <img src="images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
take it easy, stuart.
#14086 - 03/20/03 08:08 PM
Re: *NEW* French Survival Knife
OK You guys asked for it though I'm far from convinced about America's commitment to free speech, we'll see how you get on... ____ Wal, due t'lack of fundin', European histo'y is obviously not th' strong point of th' South Car'linan ejoocayshunal system, dawgone it. So less corncentrate on mo'e impo'tant thin's:
French an' Indian Wars: OK, we were supposed t'be British back then, as enny fool kin plainly see. But it's th' closess thin' we've gotta a glo'ious past. An' we won, as enny fool kin plainly see. So this hyar sh'd definitely be a part of th' official American military histo'y
American War of Independence: Wal th' redcoats kicked our ass at th' beginnin' of th' war. But Warshin'ton was hell on retreat. An' th' English gave up fightin' when we threw all their tea in th' sea. ah have heard rumours of an intervenshun by th' French, Dutch an' Spaniards, but our teacher didn't menshun ennythin' about this. An' ah didn't see enny of these euro-commies in "Th' Patriot" But Mel Gibson did kick some serious ass...
War of 1812: OK, fust we were licked by th' Kinadians, an' then th' British burned our capital, ah reckon. But winnners nevah quit, so we went on fightin'. We even managed t'win our only battle AFTER th' peace treaty had been signed, cuss it all t' tarnation. So we Amercans obviously won th' war...
Texas War of Independence: T'other vicko'y. Davy Crocket, John-Boy Wayne an' Jim Bowie kicked Santa Anna's ass at Alamo so thet th' Texans c'd keep their slaves. T'other vicko'y fo' liberty an' free interprise,,,
Mexican War: We whipped th' degos an' stole ha'f their lan'. Way t'go...
Civil War: Two armed mobs chasin' etch other aroun' th' countryside. Th' South Car'linans won as usual, ah reckon. Great fun, as enny fool kin plainly see. We sh'd t'this mo'e offen...
Indian Wars: We whipped th' injuns an' stole ALL their lan'. We were beginnin' t'git th' hang of this hyar now...
Spanish-American War: Th' spoils fum th' indian wars warn't whut we specked, cuss it all t' tarnation. Who want's t'spend their vacashun in No'th Dakota? So we stole some carribean islan' fum th' filthy spaniards t'improve th' situashun.
WW1: We on overslepp an' didn't arrive at th' party befo'e it was almost on over. So them bloody euro commies took all th' spoils of war an' didn't give us ennythin'. Decides t'stay home sulikin' fo' th' next 20 years...
US Intervenshuns in Latin America: OK, even eff'n th' commie euros rule th' majo' league, we does kick some serious ass in th' local li'l league:
1905: Honduras - Th' marines lan'ed, killed a lot of natives an' stole all their fruit 1906: Cuba - Th' marines lan'ed, killed a lot of natives an' stole all their fruit 1907: Nicareegua - Th' marines lan'ed, killed a lot of natives an' stole all their fruit 1910: Nicareegua - Th' marines lan'ed, killed a lot of natives an' stole all their fruit 1912: Cuba - Th' marines lan'ed, killed a lot of natives an' stole all their fruit 1912: Nicareegua - Th' marines lan'ed, killed a lot of natives an' stole all their fruit 1915: Haiti - Th' marines lan'ed, killed a lot of natives an' stole all their fruit 1916: Dominican Republic - Th' marines lan'ed, killed a lot of natives an' stole all their fruit 1917: Cuba - Th' marines lan'ed, killed a lot of natives an' stole all their fruit 1918: Panama - Th' marines lan'ed, killed a lot of natives an' stole all their fruit 1921: Guatemala - Th' marines lan'ed, killed a lot of natives an' stole all their fruit 1925: Panama - Th' marines lan'ed, killed a lot of natives an' stole all their fruit 1926: Nicareegua - Th' marines lan'ed, killed a lot of natives an' stole all their fruit 1932: El Salvado' - Th' marines lan'ed, killed a lot of natives an' stole all their fruit
WW2: We on overslepp agin. Thank god th' Japanese waked us up in time t'join th' party. Decides t'let th' Russians do most of th' fightin' fo' us. But we did make a lot of mighty fine trucks. Eff'n we didn't stay home an' make trucks, them euro bastards'd be speakin' german by now.
Ko'ean War: Technically a tie. But we'd haf won eff'n jest them United Nashuns weenies'd haf let MacArthur drop th' bomb on over Beijin'. Dawgone spoilspo'ts...
Bay of Pigs: Th' CIA lan'ed an' tried t'git mo'e fruit an' some cigars. Shop was unfo'tunately closed, cuss it all t' tarnation. Will jest hafta stick t'dominican cigars in th' future
Vietnam: We came, We sar, We scooted away. But thet doesn't mean we lost th' war. We killed a lot of gooks. But they didn't haf enny fruit so we decided t'go home. But we didn't loose th' war - does yo' hear me euro commies WE DIDN`T LOOSE THE VIETNAM WAR! Fry mah hide!! Fry mah hide!! Fry mah hide!! Fry mah hide! WE WON WON WON WON! Fry mah hide!!
Grenada: Af'er th' recent cockups, we decided t'go back t'basic. Th' marines lan'ed, killed a couple of commies an' stole all their fruit. Dawgone we is fine at this...
Panama: Th' marines lan'ed, killed th' natives an' stole their fruit. Got some cocaine as well. Nice job. Well bust mah britches an' call me streaker...
War aginst Iraq: OK, we haf 'nuff fruit. Less steal some oil instead, cuss it all t' tarnation. Our cruise missiles kin take out them nasty acco'dion facko'ies an' kinnergartens wifout enny dangers t'ourselves. Then we kin send in th' marines an' kill thet nasty man wif th' huge moestache. Unfo'tunately we didn't find th' way t'Baghdad - our generals haf probably lost their sense of direckshun af'er all th' party drugs in Nam, dawgone it.
Somalia: We came, we sar an' we scooted once agin. They didn't haf enny fruit o' oil so whut th' hell were we doin' thar in th' fust place...
9/11/01: Arab austrike aginst th' US. Whuffo''d someone attack a peacelovin' nashun like us? They muss be crazy. Thank God they crashed right into our Barrage-Skyscrapers.
Afghanistan: No oil, no fruit, no fun, as enny fool kin plainly see. Cain't make great TV intertainment outta thet. Guess we need a noo war t'keep th' media happy. Th' No'th Ko'eans seems t'be a bit too tough fo' our fellas, so less make a sequal t'th' Iraqi war instead, cuss it all t' tarnation...
#14087 - 03/20/03 08:09 PM
Re: *NEW* French Survival Knife
Old Hand
Registered: 08/22/01
Posts: 924
Loc: St. John's, Newfoundland
>>Folks, This is the "around the campfire" portion of this forum where we should be able to share jokes, stories, anectedotes and opinions not necessarrily tightly confined to survival equipment, usage, packaging and skills.
It's also an international forum with at least one member from France, who may not appreciate the humour.
It wasn't that long ago that France was fighting for its life against the Nazis, and it was the Americans who were sitting on the sidelines refusing to get involved. Not all American citizens were content to sit it out, of course; author Len Morgan, in Flying magazine, told of how, several months after the USA entered the war, he received his draft notice from Uncle Sam - in North Africa, where he'd spent the last two years flying bombing missions with the RAF. (He wrote a very humorous reply, to the effect that if Mr. Roosevelt would ask Mr. Churchill to release him from his duties with the Royal Air Force, and Uncle Sam would pay his passage back stateside, he would be only too pleased to report for duty. The offer was politely declined <img src="images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" /> ) Similarly, there may be many in France who disagree with their government's stance, but who nevertheless would not be amused.
>>Unless your profile is ADMINISTRATOR please don't try to play the role.
Chris has already had to shut down at least one discussion on this forum, when Mike and I got a little "emphatic" about our opinions. I felt badly about having put him in a position where he was forced to step in, and I don't think it's fair to put him in that position any more than we need to.
"The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled." -Plutarch
#14088 - 03/20/03 08:13 PM
Re: *NEW* French Survival Knife/Justintime
I WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree w/ john's post, almost to the word what I would've said. JustinTime has the 'European view' and attitudes, might I add; that always poke me in the gut. Look Pal, I have 3 FAMILY members in US MILITARY uniforms over there DEFENDING My Country's fellow citizens; and think that ANY humor that can be interjected at this time is MOST welcome here on these shores. You are entitled to your opinion, just remember this IS an AMERICAN based forum, complete with Veterans who Proudly served this Country's people and her Flag; please don't 'panty waist' here <img src="images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" /> I have 3 swiss army knives, and thought the whole thing hilarious.....I guess it all depends on your perspective. May God bless ALL the troops who are engaging World Terrorism Today. Amen, Gene
Edited by Gene (03/20/03 08:14 PM)
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