Well...I'll add you to the list of people who must be on the road for the first time on a motorcycle.
We have this hill near me, and right near the top of the hill, the road turns, ever-so-slightly left.
See the map. There's a slight curve there between Skyline Drive and Chestnut Ridge Road. People heading north, down the hill have to turn left.
In the last 3 months, we've had 12 motorcycle accidents on that curve. That's a LOT for that spot, and for all 12, it was a new rider who came into the turn just a little quick, got a tiny bit of gravel under the back wheel, and went off the bike. We land the helicopter right there at the scene. No fatalities, but some really banged up folks.
My point isn't to scare you off, it's just to let you know that I've seen a disproportionate number of motorcycle wrecks this year, and in 100% of the incidents, it's anew rider. Take the classes, start slow, and wear a helmet. The head injuries I've seen for the folks without helmets have been just horrible, the folks with helmets seem to do a lot better, in general.