My apologies for a minor threadjack, but I have a filtration question and it seemed redundant to start another thread on virtually the same topic.

I have a ten year-old PUR Voyager filter that was recently discovered wrapped in a drawer, after my wife and I had long accepted that it had been lost in one move or another! It seems structurally sound (except for a bit of cracking in the foam collar down toward the intake point of the tubing), but was unfortunately left with a cartridge in for, oh, 8 years or so, so it has a lovely orange patina from the iodine. Is there any reason why I shouldn't just clean it up a bit, grab a new filter cartridge, and use it again? I.e., are there adverse effects from prolonged exposure to the iodine, or just from age and disuse? After a bit of poking around, it looks like one of the Katadyn filters fits my (discontinued?) model, so I'd just as soon use what I have if I can.

Thanks much in advance for any feedback.