Originally Posted By: CityBoyGoneCountry
Originally Posted By: Russ
Even if it does stop him, "How long did it take him to stop?" It might not stop an attacker before he killed the homeowner.

A gut shot is far from a CNS hit and it won't drop the bad guy's blood pressure like clipping the critical upper chest pipes and organs.

IANAD either.

Have you ever been punched really hard in the stomach? I have, and it can be temporarily incapacitating. I've seen tough guys buckle over after getting a solid punch in the gut. Now imagine a .44 bullet exploding your stomach.

Yeah, you're goin down.

When did .44 start EXPLODING in your stomach... ? Are you using special ammo?

From what I've seen a .44 will make a clean hole through your entire body. Not exactly the same as exploding inside of you.

Or did I miss something?
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