No offence taken Bill. Just want to make sure we're on the same page.

If you get a chance to see the Youtube video linked, check it's pretty rediculous IMO.
Their website looks very tacticool but the fact that the handle comes in a version covered in foam makes me really wonder how strong the handle is. Whatever it's made of can't be very thick if it's hollow and can be covered in foam.
If it seems like I'm posting a lot on this one it's because these things really scare me. Not scare me in the sense that I'm going to get my liver exploded on the bus one night by some kid...but eventually somebody will and the only thing that can come of it is that we'll lose a little more of our rights. Every time I hear about the laws in the UK and the US about knife carry I'm glad I live in Canada...but how long will it be before that happens here too?
What's next a flaming knife? Knife/Pepper spray combo (man would that hurt)? Sometimes I think these things get invented for no other reason than to attract bad press. You know what they say. There's no such thing as bad publicity.