Well, Max is right.
Anyway, you have to be careful. Seal your straws over a place (i.e. sink) where you can drop it aflamed, just in case .......
I didn't have any problem preparing mine, and I plan to make some more this afternoon.
Last time I (almost) catch fire myself, was when in high school, I played with aluminium and sodium peroxyde : adding water to that mixture produce a nice fiery flame. I tried to put this preparation inside a small envelope I had made out of glued toilett paper. Everything was working fine, except, after a few minutes, it catches fire, right under my nose ..... <img src="images/graemlins/crazy.gif" alt="" />
I had just forgetten that there is some water in the glue .... enough to start the aluminium - peroxyde reaction !!!!
Hopefully, I was wearing glasses, so my eyes were protected. I only loosed a few hairs and eyebrows....
A short time after that, I quit chemistry for electronics ... <img src="images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
Take care.