Originally Posted By: MoBOB

Could you clarify what your ultimate goals are?

There is no way I could go into all of my ultimate goals here-That isn't what this forum is for, I don't want to crowd it up with irrelevant information. If you would like to do that, I can through e-mail or private messages. For the purposes of this
forum, I'll simply say that I see a LOT of problems with society, both specific and in general, that I wish to make change- Exactly how, I'm not sure yet- All I know is what has failed so far... The purpose of this trip around the country is for self-direction.

Originally Posted By: MoBOB

Also, how will life be better for other people (family) if you survive this journey since you have, I perceive, a disregard for them to begin with? They may be happy you are alive, in general, but I'm not sure the wounds of being discarded will really heal. It seems a little contradictory to me.

I have to say first that I have NO disregard for my family. I love them very much. They took care of me from the time that I was born, up until about 16- and they still help me to this day. I see the point in taking care of them when they can't take care of themselves, so I will most definitely be back- I know it hurts them to go now, and not everyone I know understands. But I look forward with the future of possibly being able to make them proud, once I have achieved my goal(s).
“Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.”