Alright Sir Fitz- With all due respect to your opinion, and I mean no offense, but I really do hope that was your last post-

I will be leaving as soon as I feel I've gathered the necessary information, which can be no longer than 2 weeks due to my situation(in which the details do not matter, the conditions are simply there). I feel that even now, had I been dropped into the woods with some tools, I would not starve to death, and I would survive a good while.

NOBODY can be totally 100% prepared, should something go wrong- even the most experienced hiker there is- I'm doing what I can....

I'm not stupid, but I think it's stupid to assume and underestimate the intelligence and capability of others, or overestimate my own- which is why I seek advice in the first place. Unless you have advice on equipment, food gathering, campsite setup, navigation or otherwise- Please find another thread to stretch out your fingers >:-(

“Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.”