This is my last post in this thread, as we have seriously crossed into the Twilight Zone.

As far as I know, bear pepper spray is not sold in 4oz cans. The low-level concentrations used for human assailants that come in small cans will probably just infuriate a bear, assuming the spray even reaches it.

And if you think you can fight a bear with a knife and a stick, I suggest you let the authorities know where to send your knives so Blast can have them. (He called dibs.) By the way, banging two rocks together and shouting is infinitely more effective than fighting a bear.

This quote is the real kicker.

Originally Posted By: Chaotiklown
Far as practicing before I go, I'm afraid I cannot- This is going to be a do-or-die kind of thing, I do not have the time nor resources to waste any more time than I have to. Unfortunately, practice is out of the question, other than what I have as of right now....

Your attitude is not heroic, poetic, or inspired. It is just plain stupid. Sorry, dude, I don't mean to be an ass but there's no way to beat around the bush with some things.
"When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading." Henny Youngman