Angel, you really do have some great information here- I'm curious of a few other things, however.

Why is it exactly that you bring salt? You mentioned a "craving" for it, but was that all it was? Or was your body getting low in salt, and couldn't derive it from your surroundings(taking the blood from a kill, mixing with water and boiling maybe?)

Staying out of creeks late in the day is an excellent suggestion, makes a lot of sense. Now I will be wearing desert tan army combat boots.... Should I remove them before crossing water, to avoid soaking them and marinating my feet within? or is it really not so big of an issue?

Eyes on animal trails before I set up camp- Great idea, also could make for strategic placement from which to hunt or trap...

Eating early is a fantastic idea too, these "raiders" of the bear world(black bears) could pose a problem if they smell food- Thanks, that one is something to keep in mind......

Stuff fish with wild onions? Please do explain that one... Could I possibly preserve fish for awhile longer by doing this?

Plants, plants, plants! There's also wild blackberries this time of year, poke salad(poisonous until boiled, and NOT the berries, I know...), pine trees contain nutrients in many fashions, and a few more... Any other plant-food suggestions off the top of your head, that apply to the Blue Ridge Regions?

Thanks Angel, keep it coming!

“Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.”