I agree that Dave appears to have no significant long journey experience, but his first post reflects substantial experience and training relevant to outdoor trekking. He is 22 and probably is better shape than, well, me anyway. Indeed the whole point of this thread, and the several others Dave has started, is his effort to lay out his kit, his plans, and why he is determined to do this in pretty good detail for the purpose of soliciting detailed suggestions to reduce his risks.

Also, those who know the area he intends to journey through indicate civilization will be relatively close all the time, which is much different than a deep-in-the-wilderness scenario. Given the care he has exhibited on this forum, it seems to me that the risks can be reasonably encountered and the most likely untoward scenario is that Dave runs out of supplies and hikes out to town.

Can something bad happen? Sure, just like anytime any of us takes a hike. Could he require rescue and put others at risk? Sure, just like anytime any of us takes a hike.

I'm assuming no one is advocating Dave become a bubble-boy isolated from the world to keep him "safe." So if we have helpful suggestions, let's make them. What type of training would you suggest to help Dave that he doesn't already have?