On a more practical note:

Without going into great detail, I suggest you pack whatever you think makes sense in each of the functional categories you think are appropriate. I use as categories: First Aid, Shelter, Fire, Water, Food, Navigation, Light. Signaling, Self-protection, Hygiene, and Morale.

My generalized suggestion for gear is that it be lightweight, multi-use, and definitely include water and food so you can move without need to hunt or forage for a few days at least (Rule of Threes: (You may die if you go: 3 minutes without air, 3 hours without shelter, 3 days without water, or 3 weeks without food).

I suggest you ship / mail ahead maps of the next area to trek through, return shipping / mailing supplies for maps and notes of the just-completed segment of your journey, some or all of the consumables you are likely to need for the next stretch, and at least some treats / morale boosting stuff. Being able to do this is both practical and a test to make sure you have budgeted properly.

Edited by dweste (07/10/08 11:22 AM)