I have no interest in "flaming" you sir... However I'm aware that I'm not the most experienced survivalist on the planet. That is why I'm going to do everything necessary to gather information that I need before I go. I know that regardless of how prepared I am, things can still go wrong. However this is a chance that I'm willing to take. This is going to happen, as ill-advised as it may be. I'm only here for advice on how to make this more possible. My decision to go has already been made. Thank you though sir, you are quite right in the fact that I'm not prepared at the moment. I only wish to get as prepared as possible before I go- After that, if I make it, I do. If I don't, well.... Morbid as it may sound, I would be happy knowing that I gave it my best shot.
“Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.”