This thread got me to thinking about making my own portable rig...just to see for myself what it can do.

Here's what I'm going to do as a prototype since it won't cost me anything but some of my time...and that's not worth much smile

I'm going to make a folding backdrop out of cardboard which is small enough to fit into my Crusader canteen bag. Likely 6 to 8 sections overall so I can cover 180 degrees and underneath.

Then I'm going to coat the cardboard with sections of a space blanket attached with spray contact adhesive.

My Crusader cooking cup is black already and has a lid. I should be able to put water in it, put the whole thing in a big zip top bag and long as there is sun.

If it works I'll make another one with really thin plastic sheets hinged with tape and stuck into the bag for a (non)rainy day. I doubt that would add more than a few ounces.

If I'm missing anything speak now before I get out my scissors!