Originally Posted By: Susan
As you might have noticed, this topic is in the Long-Term forum. Let's see how long the wood supply lasts, esp if there are others around. Just how much petroleum-based fuel do you intend to store? Carry?

Sue (yes, as a matter of fact, I AM in a bad mood. How could you tell?)

Wood supply will last forever, a Thermette or Kelly Kettle takes a surprisingly little amount of wood. And wood is a renewable resource. In my yard more of it falls to the ground then I could use in the Thermette. In a disaster situation construction debris is abound everyplace. In almost everyplace on the planet you will not have a problem finding burnable fuel.

Counting my trees and the neighbors tree that drop things in my yard there are 5-trees.

In almost everyplace you will have more trees then that to harvest firewood from.

I went to a music festival a few weeks ago with 50,000 people in attendance. (With all those people, a lot of them grabbing all the wood they could find. As it’s against the law in Ohio to transport firewood, it has to be bought locally or scavenged on site)I was able to have an abundance of wood to use, in fact even using the Thermette to heat enough water for 3-people to take showers and wash dishes once a day I still had a small pile of wood left over at the end of the week.

I would like to see a good solar cooker / water heater in use, but I don’t think in a survival situation it comes close to burnable fuels for generating heat. That’s why I went the way I did, it works well.

Edited by BobS (07/06/08 02:41 AM)

You can run, but you'll only die tired.