I was not dissing solar fired cooking. I have little experience with it for cooking. We did it some years ago when I was in boy scouts. But from what I remember it was a very slow process. We used it for cakes and the like (no meat or bacteria critical things) and I remember the cakes were not always cooked well despite being in the sun a long time. Being growing boys, this did not stop us from eating it.

It’s hard to know when water reaches 160 degs when out in the wild, boiling on the other hand is very easy to see.

I have all the material for a small (2 ft by 4 ft) solar water heater that I plan on building this summer to play with. But I don’t plan on cooking with it, just heating shower and clean-up water while camping.

If you are interested, here are a few solar cooking sites I have bookmarked with lots of ideas & plans.




Edited by BobS (07/04/08 02:39 AM)

You can run, but you'll only die tired.