Good point Sue.

I now have to question the wisdom of the adults organizing the event.

I guess it's familiarity breeding complacency.

I've warned my student nurses about that and pointed at myself as an example by jumping in and grabbing a bleeding IV site without putting gloves on...,

Or getting within the striking range of an agitated/psychotic patient because I'm used to them and know the individual's behavior.

I know it's stupid and I fuss at the new nurses for doing it and I've gotten so used to body fluids and agitated patients that it doesn't create the same sense of alarm / caution that it did when I was a baby nurse.

I suspect a similar dynamic with the folks living around dangerous wildlife...,

Or LEO's and hunters accidentally shooting themselves while cleaning their weapons...,

Or driving too fast for the conditions in your own neighborhood...

Though I still have to respect the young woman for the will to survive and the individuals staying with her until EMS arrived even though they knew it was dangerous.

We live in a world full of people who would look the other way and pretend they didn't see anything rather than go to another's aid.
samhain autumnwood