Originally Posted By: gunsmith
So the safety and marksmanship instruction was -- "You have 5 rounds, go ahead and shoot." ?? No training whatsoever ? If that was the case, I think this is a sad story, and a sorry comentary on the competence of BSA leadership.

As with any organization, group, activity, the actual implementation of a program probably varies. I was in BSA from Scout to Eagle, shot at the range at summer camp every year. Each time we had a safety briefing and instruction session prior to moving to the range.

This was many years ago, can't speak to current practices. However, given the state of concern over litigation I can only imagine the rules are stricter (if firearms practice is not completely eliminated).

My eldest just got back from Girl Scout camp, her most exciting part was archery. Need to find a way to nurture that spark...
It may not be our fault, but it is our problem.
-- Mike