I have carried and used OC "Pepper Spray for 12 years now. I have used it on about 15 very aggressive, even suicidal acting people. Men and women. It is very important to get it on their face, specifically in their EYES.
The key to this is suprise. IF they do not expect it, it will work alot better.
I have yet to see anyone that has gotten a good dose in the eyes, to have it fail to work on them. There are guys out there that may say it does not work on them, well they are full of it. If they ever get it in their eyes, it will work.
There are three general types as mentioned before by others. FOG "mist", Stream, and Foam.
The fog is for very close range, will contaminate you as much as the bad guy and is blown by the wind all over the place. I would not recomend carrying it.
The Foam was designed for use inside jails and prisons in an effort to keep the stuff from cross contaminating other areas of the jail or prison, this causing probelms with other prisoners.
The bad thing about the foam is the bad guy can wipe it off and throw it back at you!
This leaves us with the best one in my opinion, the STREAM. I use a DefTech product.
The good thing about the STEAM is it is easy to aim, even at night as it seems to gather light and you can see the stream even if there is just a little light out. This makes it easier to get the stuff in the bad guys face. It is less likely to blow in the wind and is more precise on hitting targets unlike the shotgun effect of the nightmare fogger.
I would recomend the (Size) MK 3 for conclealed carry, it is small enough to carry in your hand, yet it still has enough range and product to hit a bad guy at 10-15 feet.
Stay away from the size that is suppose to go on your key ring. That is too small an amount that you might only spray and miss with. Most every time I used it I ended up dumping the whole can (MK4 size that is for belt pouch carry) as most people do not just stand around when the fight is on.
If you get a good face full, expect to be unable to open your eyes from 30 minutes to 5 hours. The best help at getting it off of you is to force your eyes open with your fingers and to face a cool high speed fan. It could take an hour or so facing the fan to get to a point that you feel good enough to get away from the fan. Be aware that the fan will make your face feel alot cooler and when you first go away from it your face will feel like its heating up again.........
Some say that baby shampoo deluted in water and sprayed DIRECTLY into the forced open eyes helps get the sticky resin out, thus speeding recovery. Rinse with lots of cool clean water after.
The baby shampoo direct into the eyes may right now sound like a crazy thing, but when you get a good dose of OC in your eyes, it burns so freaking bad that you will generally try anything to get it to cool down. I have actually done this and it did seem to help the first time I was sprayed with it in training.
The last time I was sprayed in training, it was a nightmare that lasted over 4 hours, unable to open my eyes, as I had been sprayed by some of the newer foger OC's that have a super high OC content.
**I almost forgot to warn you, IF you get sprayed say in the face, afterward when you can breath again, and your face is not feeling so much like its in an oven, and you have finished swearing off mexican food for a year, DO NOT just strip down and jump in the shower.
**All that OC may re activate and if in a shower, it will run down your body and inflame additional areas that just might be more sensitive than your face had been......
I would rather get a 5 second ride on the X 26 Taser than get a face of OC.
Good luck.
The stuff I use and has been used on me. It is hot but not crazy hot like some of the newer versions. OC by DefTech is a food grade product that you can actually eat. info on OC.