The F1 is Fallkniven's flagship knife . There have been 3 different steels/combinations and one limited run to test the new process used in the U2 folder. The early F1s had a far thinner edge profile before the MORAN type used today. There have been different sheath options and of course the two finishes; dark for those who fancy subdued kit or the shiny ( and less expensive)which is what the subdued blade will eventually scratch up and require polishing to ( Peter is quite candid about this- and everything regarding his fine knives.)You get a knife with a lanyard hole and a small choil which is usefull for breaking wire. Peter will also tell you both are also used to secure the blade blanks during production, but few people complain. There is a small protruding hammer face. So that is a brief and probably useless background >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The F 1 has long been my dedicated survival kit blade ( until the recent car theft of my BOB.)So, what do I think after several years? Many people find the handle just on the small side and less than comfortable and complain the guard is to small.One knifemaker, and this seems endemic to the industry made a direct swipe claiming the unsealed handle would allow thingies to get inside and corrode the blade.But this maker also claimed the choil to be their idea ( not threatening suit against various weapon collections in museums.)The checkering can be uncomfortable to some.I am usualy wearing gloves or mittens and it's moot. I've adapted my hand to the blade over the years much like Marine D.I.s heads to the campaign hat.I have yet to overwhelm the lower guard with my carelessness and cut myself. Nor has the handle rotted off a corroding tang- and I've used the blade in salt water, mud, snow and ice, sand and the most corrosive environment of all- California inner cities. Sharpening a Moran edge intimidates people at first. Just follow the very simple instructions and it becomes second nature. If I can do it you can do it.Is the F 1 sharp? Or is it a prybar? Well, again the Moran edge, a name of recent use to an old design, is what a Japanese sword uses. You won't be making rooster tail fuzzsticks or carving personal spoons and cups for your spruce needle tea with one. But for all the tough chores it works very well for such a relatively small package. Can you break it? yes, Peter even provides the actual laboratory tests and results. But breaking a Fallkniven takes effort, lots of effort ( unless you use another infamous website's methodology) and at most you might snap a small bit of the tip off or put a few degrees of bend into one.If you can bust a Fallkniven, odds are you're trying way to hard and need to brew that Black Tea in your PSK.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So, what am I hoping to spend my $300 economic incentive check on? There are lots of great blades out there, and I've felt the itch for something different, like after my third, blue 240 Volvo Wagon let me down after 500,000 miles and cirumstances put me in a Toyota. I'll probably get another F 1, unless I can budget another Fallknven I always wanted ;o)