Hi Teacher,

Oklahoma and Art have given you sound advice.

I would go with stream pepperspray, as hot as you can get, in as large a can as you are able to conceal. Hit with surprise at the appropriate time and if you are with friends have a pre-arranged code word that means pepperspray is going to be deployed (e.g. HOT).

I was pepper sprayed in training with a direct hit in the face of very hot spray of the cone type. I was able to keep it together for about 10 seconds, but as soon as I blinked I could not open my eyes again. Decontamination took about 45 minutes and running water became my best friend. It really s*cked, I remember it like it was yesterday and actually it was 10 years ago.

Use with caution as it is easy to contaminate yourself and others or have an accidental discharge. Don't play with the can, flash it about, or horse-around with it, the stuff is bad news and dangerous when used on some people or in risky situations (e.g. in a vehicle). Also if you spray a person and it has limited or no effect (e.g. drugs, training, you missed) they often get very angry and the confrontation escalates, be prepared!

Another tool in the tool-box.
