Not a problem. I'm somewhat of a space nut. I follow most things related to the space program.
You would get more out of a good hiking/camping trip with the scouts then Outward Bound. I think the purpose of the program is more to teach leadership, self reliance, teamwork, etc... to those that need it. Scouts typically already have these skills. Would probably be an interesting trip tho, esp. if you are prepared and know more than some of the leaders...
Imagine a scenario... You are out hiking with them, you set camp for the night, and you whip out your alcohol stove and make a nice freezer bag dinner whilst others are just chomping down on some granola...
OB is designed for students of all ages and strives to put them
in new situations for growth. So if you are already a climber or
backpacker you would likely choose a course such as a sailing
or dog sledding course. We can all use more "leadership, self reliance, teamwork, etc" and courses are tailored to different
age groups, time frames, experience etc.
I like scouts too, been through it through explorer scouts and
it is a good way to keep you off the streets and teach some of
the same valuble skills in leadership and outdoor skills etc.
When my little boy grows enough I plan to start him in scouts.
The outward bound schools will teach some cutting edge skills
that may not be available to scouts outside of say Philmont.
For example the advanced climbing course at OB uses techniques
used by the American Mountain Guides Association. You would get
to try the latest anchoring practices etc.
The instructors are wonderful interesting people who
generally work part time at OB because they like to teach.
It is sort of a semi-volunteer job as the wages won't
allow someone to raise a family.
Some of the instructors I have worked with at OB have been:
College professors in geology, hydrology, botany, search and
rescue, recreation, education, biology, computer science,
wine making, and just about any other subject you can name.
Air force survival instructors
a marine sergeant who taught at the Marine Corps' mountain training center
kiwi and english mountaineers
rock climbers that have climbed El Cap in a day
Everest summiters and guides
Alaskan Mountain guides
Organic Farmers
Many people will take an OB course during some life transition
such after graduation, job change etc. Sort of a rite of passage
and to have time away to think.
It is also a great place to get in good shape.
It works best when people are invested, want to go, and like
a challenge. They have some scholarships too.
If it paid better I would still be an Outward Bound Instructor
as it is great to see how people grow and get such a kick out
of their trips.