I've brought this topic up before, but now I have different info which really pi$$e$ me off. As part of our 'Life orientation' lessons, a police officer came and chated to our grade about crime, rape, laws protecting the innocent AND the criminal, etc.
I eneded up having an argument (rather embarreseing in hindsight <img src="images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" />), but i cant see the logic...
Any person over the age of 18 can carry a licensed firearm on them as long as it is concealed. but, you will be arrested if you are cought with a (and i quote) "Knife that is sharp, unless you can prove that you need it (eg, you are going diving, camping etc)". even one of those tiny SAK.
My argument:
"Is a firearm, whether licensed or not, far more dangerous than a tiny SAK?"
"A firearm is lisened"
My argument:
"Can you lisence a penknife?"
My argument:
"but you can cause far more harm with a liseced gun than a lisenced or unlisenced penknife"
New argument
"why cant you carry a penknife as a utility tool? A gun can only be used to kill or injure."
"A gun is used for self defence. Legally, you can't carry a utillity knife."
From there one, the argument went in circles, without the policeman answering my questions directly. I supose i can only adapt to this, as i obviously can't change the law. What are the alternatives to carrying a sharp edge for utility perposes? I often use my pocket knife (a kershaw folder with a a blade length of about 4 1/2 cm), and i feel underdressed without it. very, Very frustrating. <img src="images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" />
'n Boer maak 'n plan