I'm all for remaining at home in the event of a disaster of some sort. Of course if home is a more dangerous place to be (some coastal locations in the event of hurricanes, some neighborhoods in the event of wildfire, South Padre Island in the event of Spring Break, etc.) then a bug out plan comes in very useful. Most people will choose to head to a family member or friend's place in another urban location. In that case, they should be involved in your "most likely scenario" bug out plans.

My problem is that I will possibly be in the "wilderness" when the "most likely scenario" for the Pacific Northwest happens (either earthquake or severe storm). I've made preparations to live out of the truck for a few days if necessary while the roads get cleared enough to get back home. I'd much rather deal with the aftermath of a large scale disaster at home where I know who should be in the neighborhood than in a strange location. Of course that protected cache of equipment, food and water is a pretty good motivation too. Chris's accounts of the Northridge earthquake convinced me that "better the devil you know" is sometimes the advise to follow.