It's all about the scenarios. If you are in the way of a natural disaster with advanced warning it might be true folly to bug-in. It might also be impossible to bug-out. The stories on this forum about hurricaine andrew and floyd are testaments to these problems. It is worth noting though that those who did successfully bug-out from these hurricaines were much safer personally than those who didn't. OTOH there is no - NO way to protect your stuff that you leave behind from the "mob of angry villagers" that naturally takes control after such events. One suggestion that I have heard on other forums is the out-of-town self storage unit with back-up provisions. Whether this is Aunt Tillys or a locked trailer in a parking lot or a geo-cache in the state forest. Such a backup supply depot means that regardless of what befalls your home, it is unlikely to also simultaneously disrupt your backup. (short of armmeggedon). Most scenarios, including WMD scenarios that are likely will be, at most, regional in impact. There was a large exodus from Manhattan on 9/11/2001 but in a suburb or Boston (where I was working) there was a clear sense of life as usual. I even got a speeding ticket on the way home (as usual). Remember, also, that order was restored to NYC within 3 days with relatively little "collateral" damage to the ability of the city to govern and maintain the rule of law. It was much longer than 3 days before the area hit by Hurricaine Andrew was once again under civil authority - it was impressively long before it was even under military authority.

Depending on the location and scope of the situation the bug-out scenario might be quite as bad as the bug-in scenario. If there is wide-spread disruption and damage to infrastructure that stretches to months (BTW, IIRC those scenarios are ruled off topic) then the availablity of game in the country will be diminished radically and the woods will be populated with urbanites trying to hunt with whatever weapons they were used to using for drive-by shootings. If the scenario is Wild-Fire then an urban environment with a lake or ocean front might be much less vulnerable than a country environment. If the scenario is Earthquake then bugging-out might be completely impossible except on-foot which doesn't take you far or well prepared. If the scenario is urban riots then bugging out means abandoning all - ALL of your stuff but might be relatively manageable if you vehicle is not caught in the middle of the event and completely impossible if your vehicle is burned by the rioters. It's all about the scenario.

If you survive a scenario which disrupts governments ability to maintain the rule of law in the area that you are residing in you will need two things in the following order - Guns and Ammo, and friends and allies with guns and ammo, without these two things your preparations become as meaningful as the minimart left behind by the neighbor who bugg-ed out leaving the door unlocked and the shelves fully stocked - useless to you and available to the "mob of angry villagers". Friends and allies may be bought on the spot with stuff but that is expensive and not as worthwhile as having well prepared friends and allies ahead of time. I am not indicating that you should hoard what you have and not share - nor am I indicating that you should ignore stocking up on food and provisions because you can take what you want. What I am saying is that, If you have stuff and you indicate that by not needing stuff as badly as the next guy, then the next guy (who has Guns and Ammo - remember the 2nd ammendment says that he may and probably will) will come and level the playing field or completely decimate your stuff and you if you stand, unarmed, in the way. This is quite a different situation than you voluntarily sharing evenly so that you migh both survive better.