My first inclination was to go straight to pellet rifles (how does one mount a bayonet on a Crossman?!), this is where I got into trouble with DW. Compared to the lowly rock, a rifle takes less practice (or skill, depending on your point of view) to grasp the fundamentals.

She's insisting that DD1 "prove" her interest in firearms by learning the basics of ballistics (rock, sling, bow, etc) first.

I'm still intrigued by such a course of study. Wildman, I like your syllabus! I'm qualified to teach the majority of the items involved (including sword--foil, epee, sabre), but will probably pass on the automatics for now, as she's 10, but will take her to a heavy weapons shoot to see if she's interested.

Nothing quite like watching a VW bug disentegrate smile
Member of the toughest, meanest, deadliest, most unrelenting -- and ablest -- form of life in this section of space, a critter that can be killed but can't be tamed. --Robert A. Heinlein