There wasn't a motel room to be had for miles and miles - all the people who were evacuated were already in all the motels. Personally, in my location I don't bet on being able to get a room in a day's drive anywhere.

That's similar to the evacuation of Houston back when Hurrican Rita was supposed to hit. Every hotel room to central Oklahoma was booked (we bugged in). That being said, in my case with two kids and a wife I'd either bunk with friends in Austin.

We are lucky in that we have friends/friends all over the country. Depending on the nature of the disaster I could find shelter with any of them. Driving to Iowa is an option if necessary.

My personal opinion is that any disater large enough send my family into the woods is almost nil and so I focus my preps in other directions. If an asteroid hits we might have some difficulty, but if a flood hits or a train carrying 10,000 gallons of sulfuric acid derails 1/4 from our house we are set.

Foraging Texas
Medicine Man Plant Co.
DrMerriwether on YouTube
Radio Call Sign: KI5BOG
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