Originally Posted By: Arney

Has anyone taken a CPR class in the past couple months? Just curious if they have switched the curriculum yet. For various practical reasons--like re-training instructors, using up the old materials and printing new materials, etc.--it could take a pretty long while before people are actually learning the new guidelines.

I just took the St. John Ambulance basic first aid with CPR C (+ AED) over the weekend.

Their method/technique is currently 30 compressions + 2 breaths for all casualties needing chest compressions (CPR or restricted airway) regardless of age. The only difference is the technique used for infants of course where you use 2 fingers instead of 2 hands for chest compressions.

The instructor wasn't allowed to comment on the new breathless style despite our curiousity as a group of students. For now, I'll be doing it as trained and have already picked up a pocket mask with a one way filter.