Welcome back, Aloha. I've enjoyed your posts and look forward to more!

Please do find time to continue your rehab and treatment. I'm not familiar with your situation, of course. But I still remember what an orthopedist said to me many years ago.
I had dropped something heavy on my hand; nothing broken, just bruising and contusion. The pain subsided; the hand felt stiff but I assumed I'd be fine. I'd never had an injury before. Didn't seek medical help until a friend yelled at me. As a concert pianist I should've known better, but I was at that age where you feel invulnerable.
Orthopedist prescribed 6 sessions of physiotherapy. I asked what for? He said, "To make sure you heal completely. Without physiotherapy that stiffness may never really go away." That got my attention, and I followed his advice. And talk about healing completely: I can't remember which hand was injured!

best to you,