Originally Posted By: MDinana
Depending how long you're stuck out in the sticks, your clothes and shoes might well fall apart. How's your skills at sewing and curing hides?

You will eventually run out of ammo. At which point, I'd probably go with a bow/arrow set up. You feel OK on fletching arrows (I don't)?

Otherwise, nice ideas!

It's true. And while my skills are good enough to make repairs, I wouldn't be able to do any tailoring...nor do I think that's an issue. For this concept I don't expect to be living in the wilds forever...just for an unknown length of time. That could be a week, a month, or several months. Certainly not long enough to wear out 2 sets of clothing.

The backup to the rifle is snares and traps. I wouldn't trust myself to make a bow and arrows then use them for survival...not with my current skills. The fishing rod is also there as well as the fishing supplies. With those combined I think I could stretch things out pretty far.

dweste: To me a bug out bag is personal and doesn't fit any set definition. Where is it written that 'bugging out' will only last 72 hours? If you want to get technical, I don't think the chances of 'bugging out' are very high in my case...I'd be surprised if it ever needed to happen at all. But as a preparedness exercise, I like to put these things together and try them out. It helps me plan, improve skills, etc. There are also side benefits because these exercises usually help me plan backpacking and camping trips because I have a better idea of what gear I can get by without.

For example I have no idea how long a box of .22LR would last me if I had to hunt for my meals...but if I never dabble with it, I'll never have a clue beyond a guess.

For me terms like 'survival stash' and 'survival retreat' don't even come into the picture and aren't something I plan for...or have intentions to pursue.

As far as EDC gear goes...for me EDC stuff isn't about being prepared for an emergency ("..get you to your BOB") as much as it's there to be prepared for every day life.

Maybe I just don't take it as seriously as some...it's the learning that interests me as much if not more than being ultimately prepared for everything and anything.