Hello from Charcoal Cloth International (CCI). We are owned by the Calgon Carbon Corporation, headquartered in Pittsburgh, PA. Calgon manufactured granular activated carbon (GAC) used in water and chemical purification for example, but also supply GAC to respirator manufacturers to use in their canisters.
CCI is based in the UK and we manufacture activated charcoal cloth which is used by manufacturers of NBC clothing for military use. We also manufacture a range of masks or facelets incorporating our cloth, for industrial and security forces use.
Our Carbososrb plus mask is a simple mask primarily for industrial use which also incorporates a particulate filter.
Our NBC mask is used for chemical warfare agent adsorption and has a NATO stock number. It does not contain a particulate filter however.
A development of the NBC mask is our RF1 mask which is essentially a NBC mask with particulate filtration as well.
NOTE: all these masks give some protection against organic vapours. They are intended as devices that can be worn comfortably but are not intended to be a substitute for a full respirator. These masks give the wearer time, in the event of an attack, to locate and put on a full respirator, or to find safe shelter.
Useful contact details:
http://www.chemvironcarbon.com/consumer/cci/applications.htmCCI: tel: 44 191 584 6962
fax: 44 191 584 6793
www.calgoncarbon.comCalgon carbon: tel 1-800-422-7266
Bob Brown
Sales Director
Charcoal Cloth International