Congrats on being "Mother of the Bride," Joy! I applaud yours and Angel's efforts to teach the grandkids preparedness skills, too.

I've found that the contents of Doug's/AMK's PSK (modified with a few small extras) fits perfectly into my bright red Witz Keep-It-Clear case, which is what I use for my EDC. It comes with a lanyard and isn't too much bigger than a pack of cigarettes. I can switch that between purses (my preferred mode of carry) and even wear it around my neck if I had to. (DFW you may want to look into something like this.)

I'm still working on my husband's car kit, though, and the long-term preparedness is always a work-in-progress. In general the problem is finding the quality items I like on the cheap, and keeping everything organized/finding space for it all. My husband unfortunately does not keep the car as clean as I would like, and sometimes I just don't even want to look in the trunk!

And definitely add Blast's "Bad Dog" scenario to your "What If" game. He practices with his daughters all the time. Teaching kids the proper way to interact with strange dogs (not just attack situations) is so important and not something I see a whole lot of these days.