Here's one more female! I began here using a gender-neutral call sign because I assumed it would be all men, and I wasn't sure how I would be received. That says something about my own prejudices, I guess. Not to worry, though, I've learned a lot, and more experienced campers and emergency preparers have been nice about offering advice and answering questions.

Identifying weak spots in preparedness and working on them is important, and I'm told no one is ever "done" or completely satisfied with their preparations - there is always more to do, or something that can be done better.

That said, my latest weak spot is my EDC. Weird, since we women usually carry a bag, and don't have to rely on things small enough to fit into a pocket. I carry a small purse on purpose (ergonomics - to save the back) and I carry little that would be useful in an emergency situation. I think I have been relying too much on being able to access my car, and the kit there, if there is an emergency event while I am away from home. (I'm pretty well fixed for sheltering-in-place at home) We are going to be doing major construction at work soon, and there is talk of having us park at a different location and be shuttled back and forth to the building - suddenly, no access to car kit. So, I will be re-thinking that one and searching old threads here for ideas.

One of the most useful things I learned was the "layering" system. No bugout system is good if it's too heavy to carry - so I have a small backpack, a shoulder-strap-across-the-chest bag, and an even smaller shoulder bag, which I may switch out to a "fanny or belly" bag, and belt organizer. They can all be worn at once, and if needed, abandoned to the point of the smallest bag, which is my version of the essentials-survival kit.

You ladies are great - training your kids and grandkids early. Joy, as for the daughter who's not interested? Let her live through a "situation" with no preparations, and see how fast she gets interested!