You sound like a wonderful Grandma, Angel! Wow! What fun!. You must live close by your grandchildren. I live 2 1/2 hours from my grandson, so I don't get to see him as often as I would like. I am only just now starting to get my act together on getting him stuff and figuring out what I want to teach him. So the things you and Sue have shared with me will be helpful. I'll print out both of your suggestions and add them to my binder.

I also bookmarked some of the things the guys on this board have shared. So maybe the next time he comes to visit me I can play some of these things with him when we go hiking.

I bought some Boy Scout books for him and his dad and hope that they will use them and maybe even join the boyscouts. I got that idea from the guys on this forum. I printed out some ETS pages for Kids and got some books from REI. I homeschooled my own girls, so teaching children comes naturally to me. The scavenger hunts you play sound like a lot of fun!

I did share with him last weekend how he could use his whistle if he ever got lost. Then he ran into the other room and pretended he was lost and blew his whistle for me to find him! He was so cute! Kids are great. I can't wait to teach him more.

His other grandparents take him fishing, so I'll leave that for them!

I am not sure yet if my grandson will keep his stuff together like your grandchildren do, but I will encourage him to. That is one reason I have been waiting until he is older to give him the gear I am collecting for him. We will start playing the 'What if' game the next time I see him!
