Your ideal SAK has:

main blade and smaller blade
can opener / small slotted head screwdriver
bottle opener / large slotted head screwdriver
phillips head screwdriver
magnifying glass

I can't find my (~25 year old) favorite model today, either - it's like a 91mm Camper, but with a scissors layer added or like a Huntsman without the "parcel hook" - I'd buy several if I could find that model today. My "perfect" SAK doesn't exist either, but it would be similar:

main blade and smaller blade
can opener / small slotted head screwdriver
bottle opener / large slotted head screwdriver
corkscrew with eyeglasses screw driver
small diamond hone in lieu of the toothpick (larger dimensions but same location)
flat phillips head screwdriver like the WAVE one so it will fit the same location as the awl (round one will make my knife too fat for me with all the other stuff)

I almost have this - but it's with awl instead of with phillips and I had to add the eyeglasses screwdriver from Victorinox as a "replacement" part (didn't come with it). I suppose, while I'm at it, that I could wish the main blade to lock, but so far those models are larger than I want for EDC. If I could find my old favorite model, I'd take a heck of a crack at modifying it to what I wrote above - but no surgery on this one unless I have "spares' to try it out on first.

Anyone with a corkscrew model ought to get the screwdriver gadget that stows in it - it's a forehead smacker once you have one.

Hello, Victorinox??? Anyone reading these???