
You are correct in many things you say. Of course I do not want to go back to the way it was.

That being said, in relevance to this topic of conversation I was pointing out that it is possible to survive very well with limited gear for extended periods.
How well someone fares in a survival situation is based more on whats in your head than in your pocket.
This was the point I was trying to make before you side tracked it into a primitive living conversation.

I mentioned primitive peoples in order to draw attention to their basic living skills and equipment and proof that it works.

Reminder: This scenario was for an "extented period of time"

I will say it again: 4 iodine tabs do nothing for extended survival situations.
If we are now talking about a short time frame then all items mentioned are very handy.

The jury is still out on modern man and our so called scientific improvements. As we all stock up the duct tape and plastic sheeting. Life expectancy is a relative term.
