I take the Blackberry everywhere. I was actually in the process of stashing it in my glove box when I noticed there were bars so I figured what the hell, I'll send them an email about it and get it off my chest so I can enjoy my weekend sans belt knife.

I have a theory about what might have happened...

When I was phoned to be told it was ready, they mentioned how long it took the production manager to get it right. I can't help but wonder if the grinding overheated the metal and it lost it's temper...it's so thin that it would heat up easily. There's no reason the edge should bend laterally under pressure from my (very soft) fingernail...that's just not right now matter how thin.

Unfortunately my research on C70 steel has only come up with it's use in forged piston connecting rods so I can't confirm that as a possibility.

If they just fix the edge and send it back, I'll likely grind it down to a compound bevel like an off the shelf knife and consider it the equivalent to a custom bird and trout knife...chalking the extra expense up to a valuable life lesson.