This is the nicest one I've seen so far - comprehensive but without stuff that is beyond the ability of the average person to use.

I'm on my third bag for FAK. Mine keeps getting bigger and bigger. Rolled bandages take up a lot of room. If the company where you got the bag sells to the US, please post the link.

By the way: my Red Cross First Aid coach said she always carries a small zip lock bag in the door pocket of her car with just a pair of gloves, a clean white cotton washcloth to stop bleeding (the kind you get in packs of 12 or 18 at Wal-Mart) and a CPR microshield. She has had several occasions to use her "kit," and says if you come upon an accident where the ambulance can be expected within a few minutes, that's all you need - unlike these larger kits, which are meant for something else.