Originally Posted By: Drake
Jim, may I ask what the signifigance is of the aluminum layer on the 4x4 gauze pads? I have never seen that before. Also do you prefer the cohesive Ace Bandages to the ones with clips. Thanks...

Dressings with an aluminium layer have the advantage that they don't stick to wounds and also has a anti-bacterial function. Therefor they are prefered for burns, abrasions and road-rashes. And, as climberslacker said, they prevent applied burn-jels from vapourising.

These dressings are commonly named Aluderm or Metalline and can be found at your local pharmacy.

I do prefer the cohesive ACE-bandages (Coban) to the regulair ones because they just stay on a lot better. Downside is that they are more expensive and bulkier.

Lastly, the bag is made and sold in The Netherlands only. It's made by a company called Medicall Life Support , but since it's Dutch, you'll probably won't be able to get it over there in the US.

''It's time for Plan B...'' ''We have a Plan B?'' ''No, but it's time for one.'' -Stargate SG-1